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Reflect & Release

The Call…

Autumn is a season of letting go and taking stock. A season that encourages us to turn inward, take inventory, and decide what is worth keeping and letting go of the rest. It’s a time of reflection, release, and transition. Take time to look back on all that you have accomplished, and truly appreciate the results of your efforts. This is YOUR invitation to acknowledge all of your progress, both big and small. Then, look forward to the remainder of this year and all the potential it still holds. As we enter this season, I invite you to take these next three days to nourish your mind and body, create and foster a vision for the next chapter of your life, reflect on the journey that has led you to this moment, and release what no longer needs to be carried.

June 19

Rest is our Birthright

January 14

Yoga Flow in Collaboration with Green Spaces + RiNo